The Story of
Sammy and Zelda

By Susan McCray
Stan Ivar Abrahamsen

A fanciful children’s story about
Sammy and Zelda and their harbor friends

Illustrations by David Calabrese
book image

From the pen of Susan McCray comes another fanciful children’s story that will delight audiences of all ages. After convincing her pal, Captain Stan (actor Stan Ivar from the Little House on the Prairie television series) and Skipper of the Kristina, to introduce his harbor friends Sammy and Zelda to the world, comes this heartwarming story of a sea lion who got lost in a place where she didn’t belong.

If you have ever been in those shoes, or shall we say, in those “flippers”, you’ll want to experience this fun-filled adventure where seagulls come to the rescue. It will take a very special stray dog to bravely save the day. Will he do it? And what will happen to him if he does? Hop aboard the Kristina for a harbor cruise like no other and meet Sammy Zelda and their friends.



Available online and in stores or directly from publisher

About The Authors

author Susan McCray

Susan Mc Cray

The Story of Sammy and Zelda is Susan McCray’s third children’s book. She is the author of the delightfully whimsical Paddy Platypus and of the inspiring story Harry’s Piano, based on the early life of her father, Academy Award Winning pianist, and composer Harry Sukman. She is currently producing an animated film based on the book.

As Vice President of Talent for Michael Landon Productions, Ms. McCray was the casting director of many acclaimed episodic television series including Little House on the Prairie, Father Murphy, and Highway to Heaven. She also cast the television movies - The Diary of Anne Frank, The Loneliest Runner and Where Pigeons Go to Die. In a career that has spanned many years, she has casted numerous shows for NBC, CBS, and PBS.

As a producer, Ms. McCray’s credits include the celebrated documentaries: Michael Landon: Memories of Laughter and Love; Remembering Kent McCray: Laughter Love and Television; and Don Collier: Confessions of an Acting Cowboy. She also produced the CD: Warm Heart Cool Hands, a compilation of some of her father’s award-winning music. Currently, Ms. McCray is producing and hosting the podcast Kaleidoscope, airing on and at, and through and on radio station KJEWL. She is also the creator and host of the syndicated radio feature Hollywood Hotline

Susan McCray’s humanitarian spirit embodies passionate support for her favorite charities. She frequently organizes, produces and serves as Mistress of Ceremonies for a variety of fundraising events, is currently an “advocate" for KidsPlay Children’s Museum in Torrington, CT.

author Stan Abrahamsen

Stan Ivar Abrahamsen

This is Stanley Ivar Abrahamsen’s first children’s book. Capt. Stan has been visiting with the real Sammy & Zelda for many years as captain on Harbor Breeze’s tour boat Kristina.

A graduate of SUNY Maritime College at Fort Schuyler, he is a U.S. Merchant Marine Licensed Captain & Engineer. During Vietnam he served aboard various cargo ships delivering cargo to Vietnam ports while also fulfilling his military service obligation as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy.

Known professionally as ‘Stan Ivar’ within the entertainment industry he continues to have a successful acting career. Naturally his most memorable show is the one that gave him his start in Hollywood: “Little House on the Prairie.”

Under the Child 5 Productions banner he and four other actors produced the Los Angeles Pro-Celebrity Charity Rodeos. All rodeo proceeds were distributed between four other separate children’s charities and one individual needy child.

Stan always loves seeing and waving to Sammy & Zelda out on Buoy #2.

Smooth Sailing Kids!